Final Keyword in Java | Use, Example

In this tutorial, we will learn about final keyword in Java through various examples. We will discuss three places such as variable, method, and class where the final keyword can be used.

The final keyword declared with variable, method, and class indicates that “This cannot be modified”.

  • The value of the final variable cannot be changed.
  • A final method cannot be overridden.
  • A final class cannot be inherited.

Let’s understand the following topics under this tutorial.

  • Final keyword in Java
  • Final variable in Java
  • Declaration of final variable
  • When to use final variable in Java?
  • What is blank final variable?
  • Uninitialized static blank final variable
  • Reference final variable
  • Can we change the state of an object to which a final reference is pointing?
  • Final method in Java
  • Java final Parameter
  • Final class in Java
  • Use of final class

Final Keyword in Java

Final is a keyword that is used to restrict the user in Java programming. It is a non-access modifier that is only applicable to a variable, method, or class.

Final keyword has three different uses in Java. They are as:

1. To declare a constant.
2. To prevent inheritance.
3. To prevent method from being overridden.

Use of final keyword in Java with variable, method, and class.

Final Variable in Java

A variable declared with a final keyword is known as a final variable in Java. Final variable means a constant (value cannot be modified). When the final variable once initialized, the value of the final variable can never be changed. In other words, we cannot be assigned a new value.

Syntax to Declare Final Variable

The final variable must be declared at a time of declaration otherwise, it will give a compilation error. The syntax to declare a final variable in Java is as follows:

final data_type variable_name = value; // Just add a final keyword in front of definition.

For example:
    final float pi = 3.14f; // Declaration of variable with final keyword.

Since the final variable means constant. Therefore, we cannot change the value of pi.

float pi = 6.14f // compilation error.

In Java, we can apply a final keyword to local variables, instance variables, and static variables. In all cases, it does the same thing. Once you initialized the value of a final variable, you cannot assign a new value.

Note: Before Java 8, a local variable must be marked as final if it is accessed inside a local inner class or an anonymous class. Java 8 modified this rule. A local variable need not be marked as final, but it should be effectively final.

Effectively final means that Java compiler considers the variable as a final variable and will issue an error if we try to modify it within the lambda function.

Java Final Variable Example Program

Let’s take an example program where we will try to change the value of final instance variable and final local variable but it can’t be changed. This is because the final variable once initialized a value can never be changed. Look at the following example code.

Example 1: 

package finalPrograms; 
public class FinalVariableEx 
// Declare a final instance variable. 
   final int a = 20; 

// Declare an instance method. 
   void change()
  // Change the value of the final instance variable. 
     a = 40; // compile time error. A final variable's value cannot be changed. 

  // Declare a final local variable inside the method. 
     final int i = 0; 
     for(i=0; i< 5; i++) // compile time error. 
       System.out.println("Value of I: " +i); 
public static void main(String[] args) 
 // Create an object of the class. 
    FinalVariableEx fv = new FinalVariableEx(); 

 // Call change() method using reference variable fv. 
       Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: 
       The final field FinalVariableEx.a cannot be assigned 
       The final local variable i cannot be assigned. 
       It must be blank and not using a compound assignment 
       The final local variable i cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment

We got a compilation error problem in the above code because we tried to change the value of final variables a and i.

A variable defined with final keyword inside the constructor, method, or block is known as a local final variable in Java. It must be initialized once where it is created. You can see the above example program where we have declared a final local variable inside the method.

When to Use Final Variable in Java?

A final variable can be used where we want to remain constant the value of a variable throughout the execution of a program. The only difference between a normal variable and a final variable is that we can re-assign value to a normal variable but we cannot re-assign the value of a final variable once assigned.

Blank Final Variable in Java

A variable that is declared as final and not initialized at a time of declaration is known as a blank final variable in Java.

A blank final variable must be initialized in the constructor of the class otherwise, we will get a compilation error. Once the final variable is initialized in the constructor, it cannot be assigned a new value. For example:

class Test 
// Declaration of final instance variable. 
   final int x; 

// Declare a constructor.
   Test() { 
   // Initialization of final variable in the constructor. 
      x = 20; 

Uninitialized Static Blank Final Variable

When a blank final variable is declared as static and not initialized at a time of declaration, it can only be initialized in the static block. It cannot be initialized in the constructor of the class. Let’s understand this concept better with the help of an example program.

Example 2:

package finalPrograms; 
public class FinalVar 
 // Declare a blank final instance variable. 
    final int x;

 // Declare a static blank final variable. 
    final static int a; 
       x = 30; 
   void displayValue()
      System.out.println("Value of x: " +x); 
// Declare a static block to initialize the final static variable. 
      a = 20; 
      System.out.println("Value of a: " +a); 
public static void main(String[] args) 
 // Create an object of the class. 
    FinalVar fv = new FinalVar(); 
 // Call change() method using reference variable fv. 
       Value of a: 20 
       Value of x: 30

Reference Final Variable

A final variable that is declared as a reference to an object is known as reference final variable. There is nothing like a final object in Java. If a final reference variable refers to an object then it does not mean that the object is final. It simply means that the reference variable cannot refer to another object.

For example, a final List reference variable looks like this:

final List list; // Here, list is variable of type List.

Here, we have defined a list with final keyword. It does not mean that elements cannot be added or removed from the list. The final list means the reference variable cannot refer to any new ArrayList. Any attempt to do so will get a compile-time error.

Let’s take an example program where we will declare the reference of a list as final. This final reference variable cannot be used to refer new ArrayList object.

Example 3:

package finalPrograms; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
public class FinalReferenceVarEx { 
public static void main(String[] args) 
// Create an object of the list and declare as a final. 
   final List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

// Adding elements in the list. 

// Displaying the list.  
   System.out.println("Elements in the list"); 
   list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Final local variable 'list' cannot refer to new ArrayList object. 
       Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
       The final local variable list cannot be assigned. It must be blank and not using a compound assignment

If you have not learned ArrayList in Java, then you can skip this program. When you will learn ArrayList, you can easily understand this program.

Can we change state of object to which a final reference is pointing?

Yes, we can change the state of an object to which a final reference variable is pointing but we cannot re-assign a new object to this final reference variable.

Final Method in Java

A method that is declared with the final keyword is known as final method in Java. A final method cannot be overridden in Java. When a class is extended by another class, its method can be overridden for reuse but if we want to prevent a particular method being overridden,

In this case, declare that method as final because a subclass can call the final method of superclass without any issues but it cannot override it. Any attempt to do so will cause a compilation problem.

Java Final Method Example Program

Let’s take a very simple example program in which we will call a final method of the parent class in the subclass without any issues. We will also try to override the final method in the subclass but it will give a compilation error. Look at the example code.

Example 4:

package finalPrograms; 
public class FinalMethodEx 
     System.out.println("This is a default constructor"); 
  final int a = 50; 
  final void show()
     System.out.println("Value of a: " +a); 
public class FinalMethodExTest extends FinalMethodEx
   void show()
   // Compile time error because we cannot override the final method from FinalMethodEx. 
      System.out.println("This is the final method of FinalMethodEx class"); 

public static void main(String[] args)   
 // Create an object of FinalMethodEx class. 
    FinalMethodEx fm = new FinalMethodEx(); 

 // Call final method using reference variable fm.; 
        This is a default constructor 
        Value of a: 50

Key points:

1. A final method can be inherited in the subclass but we cannot override it. Look at the above example program.

2. The main difference between abstract method and final method is that abstract method must be overridden in the subclass but final method cannot be overridden in the subclass.

Java Final Parameter

If we declare any parameter as final, the value of parameter cannot be changed after initialization. Let us take an example based on it to clear statement.

Example 5:

package finalPrograms; 
public class FinalParameterEx 
   final String nSchool; // Variable declared with a final keyword.
     nSchool = "RSVM"; 
     System.out.println("School name: " +nSchool); 
   void msg(final String name)
      name = "Lava"; // Compile time error because the final local variable cannot be changed. 
public static void main(String[] args) 
    FinalParameterEx fp = new FinalParameterEx(); 
       School name: RSVM 
       Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: 
       The final local variable name cannot be assigned.

Final Class in Java

A class that is declared with a final keyword is known as final class in Java. Final class means Restricting inheritance!. It does not allow itself to be inherited by another class.

In other words, Java classes declared as a final cannot be extended (inherited). If you do not want to be a subclass, declare it final. A lot of classes in Java API are final. For example, string class is the most common predefined final class object in Java.

There are two ways to make a class as final.

1. The first way to make a class final is to use the final keyword in the class declaration. The general syntax to make a class final, is as follows:

public final class Student 
 // class contents

2. The second way is to declare all of its constructors as private. If a class has only private constructors, it cannot be subclasses.

public class Student 
   private Student(final int x) 
      . . . . . .               

When you give private visibility for all constructors in the class, you are implicitly declaring the class as final.

Java Final Class Example Program

Let’s take an example program where we will declare a class as final but it cannot be extended. If we try to extend it, we will get compile-time error.

Example 6:

package finalPrograms; 
public final class AB 
  void show()
     System.out.println("Final class cannot be inherited"); 

public class ABTest extends AB { // Here compile-time error because the final class cannot be extended. 
public static void main(String[] args) 
 // Create the object of class AB. 
    AB ab = new AB();; // Calling show() method using object reference variable ab.
       Compile time error

Let us take another example where we will declare constructor as private to make class final and check that what will happen when we create an object of class in its subclass.

Example 7:

package finalPrograms; 
public class AB 
// Declare a default constructor as private to make a class as final. 
   private AB()

   void show()
     System.out.println("Final class cannot be inherited"); 
// This statement will generate a compile time error 
// because implicit super constructor AB() is not visible for default constructor. 
// Must define an explicit constructor.
public class ABTest extends AB { 
public static void main(String[] args) 
 // Create the object of class AB.
    AB ab = new AB(); // compile time error because the constructor AB() is not visible. 

 // Call show() method using object reference variable ab.; 
       Compile time error

Use of Final Class in Java

There are three important uses of a final class in Java. They are as follows:

  • The first use is to prevent inheritance, as the final classes cannot be extended.
  • The second use is to create an immutable class like the predefined String class. We cannot make a class immutable without making it final.
  • A final class is very useful when we want high security in any application because the final class cannot be extended.

Key Points of Final Keyword

There are the following key points of final keyword in Java programming that you should be keep in mind. They are as:

  • A constructor cannot be final.
  • A block cannot be final.
  • A local final variable must be initialized at the time of declaration.
  • We cannot change the value of a final variable after initialization.
  • We cannot override a final method.
  • A final class cannot be extended(inherited).
  • We can create the object for a final class but cannot extend it.
  • If the method parameters are declared as final, the value of these parameters cannot be changed.