Java IO
Java IO (Input and Output) is a process of reading data from a source and writing text data to a destination. Data is read (or retrieved) from an input source and written to the output destination.
In other words, input represents data given to a program, and output represents data sent to an output destination as a result of the program.
For example, a keyboard acts as a standard input source that reads data entered using the keyboard into your program.
In the first Java program, we had used System.out.println() method to print text as an output of program on the console. Actually, we have performed I/O operations.
Other examples of input sources that input to a program, are mouse, memory, disk, network, or another program.
Similarly, other examples of output destinations that display output of a program are screen, printer, memory, disk, network, or another program.
Input to a program can be given directly inside the program itself. In this case, every time the same input is used by the program and the same result can be displayed on the screen.
For example, consider the below code segment:
int x, y;
x = 20;
y = 30;
int z = x + y;
In this code segment, the values of x and y are taken as 20 and 30, respectively, and the value of z is calculated and displayed on the screen. Even if this code is executed several times, we get the same value of z as 50.
Java IO Classes and Interfaces
Java language introduces a rich set of I/O classes and interfaces in the core API, mostly in the package. The I/O classes defined by are listed in the below table:
BufferedInputStream | FileWriter | PipedOutputStream |
BufferedOutputStream | FilterInputStream | PipedReader |
BufferedReader | FilterOutputStream | PipedWriter |
BufferedWriter | FilterReader | PrintStream |
ByteArrayInputStream | FilterWriter | PrintWriter |
ByteArrayOutputStream | InputStream | PushbackInputStream |
CharArrayReader | InputStreamReader | PushbackReader |
CharArrayWriter | LineNumberReader | RandomAccessFile |
Console | ObjectInputStream | Reader |
DataInputStream | ObjectInputStream.GetField | SequenceInputStream |
DataOutputStream | ObjectOutputStream | SerializablePermission |
File | ObjectOutputStream.PutField | StreamTokenizer |
FileDescriptor | ObjectStreamClass | StringReader |
FileInputStream | ObjectStreamField | StringWriter |
FileOutputStream | OutputStream | Writer |
FilePermission | OutputStreamWriter | |
FileReader | PipedInputStream |
Console was introduced by Java SE 6.
Two deprecated classes defined in package that is not shown in the preceding table: LineNumberInputStream and StringBufferInputStream. These two classes are not used for new code.
The interfaces defined by are listed below:
Closeable | FileFilter | ObjectInputValidation |
DataInput | FilenameFilter | ObjectOutput |
DataOutput | Flushable | ObjectStreamConstants |
Externalizable | ObjectInput | Serializable |
As you can observe in the preceding table, there are many classes and interfaces defined in the package to perform input/output (io) operations.
In this tutorial, you have learned Java IO (Input and Output) and its classes and interfaces with examples. I hope that you will have understood the basics of Input/Output in Java. Stay tuned with the next tutorial where you will learn Stream and its types in Java language.
Thanks for reading!!!