Category CSS

CSS :only-child Selector with Example

The :only-child selector in CSS is a powerful pseudo-class that allow you to select an element that is the only siblings of its type. In other words, this pseudo-class matches an element that is the only child of its parent.…

CSS :first-of-type And :last-of-type Selectors

CSS :first-of-type selector example

In this tutorial, we will understand :first-of-type and :last-of-type selectors in CSS with the help of some important examples. Let’s first understand :first-of-type selector. In CSS, the :first-of-type selector is a pseudo-class that selects the first sibling of its type.…

CSS :first-child And :last-child Selectors

CSS :first-child selector example.

In this tutorial, we will understand :first-child and :last-child selectors in CSS with the help of examples. The :first-child selector in CSS is a pseudo-class that selects any element that is the first child element of its parent. In other…

CSS :nth-of-type(n) Selector with Example

CSS :nth-of-type(n) selector example.

The :nth-of-type(n) selector in CSS is a pseudo-class that allows you to select every element that is the nth sibling of its type. It is especially useful when you want to apply specific styling to certain elements of the same…

CSS :nth-last-child(n) Selector with Example

An example of styling every second child element from the last.

The :nth-last-child(n) selector in CSS is a pseudo-class in CSS that allows you to select every element that is nth-child of its parent element, starting from the last child. This selector matches elements based on their position from the end,…