Category PHP

Multidimensional Array in PHP

As discussed earlier, an array in PHP can store both numbers as well as string values. Additionally, it can also store other arrays as its elements. Such an array is known as a multidimensional array or an array of arrays.…

Associative Array in PHP

An associative array in PHP is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key is associated with a specific value. Keys can be strings or integers, while values can be of any data type. Unlike numerically indexed arrays, where…

Indexed Array in PHP

An indexed array in PHP is a type of array which stores values or data in an ordered manner. It is one of the most common and powerful ways to store collections of data. In the indexed array, each element is…

PHP Arrays

In this tutorial, we will learn about PHP arrays. When you declare a variable in a PHP program, you can assign only one value to it at a time. This is a limitation of variables in a program. In certain…

Variadic Functions in PHP

Variadic functions, also known as variable argument functions, are a very useful feature in PHP that allows you to define functions by accepting an arbitrary number of arguments. This feature was introduced in the PHP 5.6 version. Variadic functions are…